The night was good as well. For supper, Jenny, Holly, Val, and I went to Cracker Barrel where we continued the tradition of having socially unacceptable dinner conversations. We also were graced with the melodies of a little band we like to call Ye Old Mountain Holler.
A wave of ambition swept me to the library for some essay preparation that I spoke of earlier. That American literature paper is due April 29. That's more than a week from now, and I was actually working on it! I guess I have to become responsible at some point in my life. I'm not in any kind of hurry... After I exhausted by literary analysis efforts, I decided to make my way over to Habitat for Humanity's Shack City. Members of the organization raised money to sponsor their cardboard homes that they made on the quad. They are staying tonight and tomorrow night if the weather holds out.
These are my suitemates, Ashley and Lesli. Lesli is Murray State's Habitat ring-leader.
Jenny is taking one for the RCC team.
This is my friend Becca's "log cabin," she called it.
Here are some other cardboard constructs that teams made to create awareness of homelessness:
And in case you are wondering, this is the view from inside one of these things.
Also tonight in the quad-region were different musical practices. On the steps of Lovett Auditorium, a group was practicing for tomorrow night's All-Campus Sing competition.
And at the corner of Fine Arts, what I gathered was the percussion section of Racer Band was rehearsing.
Back in the room, I am resting from a semi-busy day. It was productive and enjoyable. I'm thinking of changing the water in poor, poor John's bowl and then going to bed. G'night.
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