artist: five for fighting
song: nobody
Well, I broke down and bought the CD. I've been wanting it forever, and all the downloaded versions of the songs were unplayable. But it was on sale for $9.97 or something of that nature at WalMart, so that's not so bad. I could have gotten it off of, but CD prices haven't been really half-like lately. By the time I paid shipping, it wouldn't make any difference at all. So there.
Today has been good so far. Class is getting increasingly better every day, and I can safely say I enjoy it. I solved the mystery of the already-teachers. That is, if straight up asking them what's their deal is solving a mystery. Turns out they have their bachelor's degrees, and their school systems hired them as emergency teachers. They are now getting their certification because, well, they have to, obviously. Man, those schools sure are hurting to need to hire folks and letting them teach a year or so without their certification. Such a high demand. Too bad none of them are English teachers.
Getting mail is a jolly-good time, and today I received my copy of C. S. Lewis' The Weight of Glory that I ordered from I thought I'd take on some philosophy of Christianity for this last stretch of summer. But I also might need to be reading Homer Hickam's Rocket Boys because I've given in to the desperate pleas of Kenny B for freshman year leaders. But it is Gimme Another Guinness Bowman, so would I really have to read the book? No. But do I want to? Yes.
I guess you can see I spent (read: wasted) some time and made myself a new design for the ol' blogaroo. I enjoy it. Hope you do, too. Okay, I have quite a bit to do in the way of homework, housework, and whatever else that might come my way, as it usually does.
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