The weekend was good. Kathryn's party was quite cute. The Elmo cupcakes didn't look as good as I had hoped, but all was well. And it was really funny when the icing got warm and the faces started sliding off.
In the last twenty-four hours, occasional sneezing, coughing, and stingy eyes culminated into sick. I just took more allergy medicine and fixed me some tea. I'm thinking of taking one of the few may-cause-dizziness cough syrups I have and call it a night at eight o'clock.
I got my new Spanish dictionary this weekend. It's a teensy-weensy beeby, and I love it. And it's time to lay my old one to rest, what with its lack of a back cover and partially missing and tattered front cover. It will be loved and missed. I will keep it, though. This feels like Toy Story. My dictionaries will be battling over my love like Buzz Lightyear and Woody fight over Andy's love. Okay, maybe not.
I always forget that I don't work on Mondays. That's good because I need to go and fill out my time card after class. Kind of forgot to do that Friday.
Alright. It's time for a tablespoon of less-than-bubble-gum flavored medicine. Let's see how well I can read my HELL chapter under the influence.
thanks for the comment on my xanga cass! also congrats on the dictionary. (you know if no one else, i will always be thrilled by a foreign language dictionary.) i got my french concise dictionary in the mail last week. it's thrilling! i love it! and i love you!
cassidy, thanks for adding my blog to your site. i noticed you enjoy the book "walking on water." i'm currently reading it... finding it an exciting venture into l'engle's philosophy on art and faith...
keep up the good work! peace and coffee...
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