I have thirty minutes left to work at the Hart lab. Okay, I know I complain about the Applied Science lab, but I like it much better. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I am here at night, and I can't get any technical assistance no matter how hard I try because my boss is at church and the help desk is closed. And the other lab workers are as clueless as I am. I am not very familiar with this place, so I can't find anything. And I cannot make myself do my homework. I haven't even opened my backpack. And in these last thirty minutes, I don't plan on changing that situation.
So this weekend. Wow. Wonderful times. I figure I have to at least give you a little run-down on the Johnity.
We thought we were not going to make it there on time. With twenty minutes until show time, we found ourselves backed waaay up in some exit ramp traffic. Fifty minutes later, we roll up at Starwood, and many thanks to the powers that be, the show didn't start until about 8:00 instead of 7:00. We didn't miss a thing, and man, our seats were awesome. We were in the fifth row, but because of the way the stage curved and such, we were in about the third row. I have way too many pictures, all of which I will probably print and cherish forever. The set was great, and he played some songs that kind of fall into the untouchables category. The third time's a charm, let me tell you. During the encore, we got a sit-down campfire-sing-along version of Comfortable, a bong-must've-been-involved rendition of Voodoo Chile, and the song I've been wanting to see live for so long, Neon. It was over-all great even though the punches came at the encore. Maroon 5 was a fun show with slinks and pelvic thrusts abound. It was a hot and sweaty stagnant pool of body odor and alcohol (beautiful imagery, I know) up in there, but it was quite worth it. As always.
Well, I'm about as hungry as hungry can be. When I bust up outta here, I'm gonna go pick up Jackie to go to WalMart and order my pictures. I'm going to swing by the ol' apartment so she can see, and then I'm heading back to Springer to give Holly her gift. Yes, happy birthday, Holly. I hope I didn't have too much critical homework to do for tomorrow. It sure didn't get done.
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