Tuesday, December 02, 2003

won't be the first heart that you break

Why do I feel like I haven't blogged in a month of Sundays? I really do not know. I blogged twice yesterday. Eh, it's been a long day.

For starters, we got HUM. Bleh. Then there was the four hour delving into EDP work. I finally got it all done, but I missed an entire hour of creative writing. I waltzed in with fifteen minutes left, and I got there just in the nick of time to do the one thing I wanted to do. Rip Kelli a new one. Gaw, that was fun. They had already workshopped Don's story AND gotten past the "positive comment" portion of Kelli's. This hate in my heart will probably send me to hell. Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket? After EDP, I dropped in on the Sigma Eta meetings. Ashley keeps yelling at me for coming in late, but I don't get out of class until 5:15 and the meetings are at 5:00. Sigma Eta and Lance Lee (I mean, the Foreign Language Club...) keep screwing me over. But atleast I promised to be in Sigma Eta, but really, I just should've promised to eat Sigma Eta food. That's all I really do. Show up to the meeting after the "meeting" part is over and get some pizza. But today, I had a special treat with my pizza. Hopefully it was my hair.

Well, we gave the 231 an over-haul. We almost got 'er done, but I thought I'd take a blog break while Holly took a Real World break. I gotta figure out what I'm going to do with my books. I guess I could put them on the bookshelf. What a novel idea! Even better, I could use them. But that's just not cool.

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